Miscellaneous Meeps - Hatching my Dreams

It so disappointing when they get mean, Fizz was our first rooster so I have no idea if we did something wrong or he was just a hormonal rooster who would have been mean under all circumstances. It's no good being attacked all the time 🥺 there are too many good boys to put up with the bad ones. I have 2 really sweet ones that are wonderful so far!

It is, especially since it's one I had meant to breed from. I have found that, to an extent, if they're going to be mean then they're going to be mean, but none of my other Cochins have ever been like this and this guy wasn't, either, until one specific event, which is why I firmly believe it's my own fault he got this way.

One day, he decided that the feed scoop was offensive and puffed his feathers at it when I was reaching in his pen with it to fill his feed dish. I don't know what I was thinking, I guess that that was funny, but I let him get worked up about the feed scoop just the one time. For some reason that extended his offense to me as well, whether I had the feed scoop in hand or not, from that point forward. Now he's constantly posturing at me when I'm anywhere in his sight, he jumps at the fence if I go by, and if I'm in the pen with him, I cannot turn my back at all or else he'll jump at me. Sometimes he comes at me even if I don't turn my back. I have never run from him, or flinched, or backed off, or reacted at all in any way that could make him think his attacks are having any kind of affect on me. But he just won't stop. Little butthead :tongue

Anyway, long story short, I should have known better at the time than to encourage him with the feed scoop and this is the consequence of that. At least now I know better for future roosters, even if this one can't be redeemed. :idunno I end up putting too many good males in the freezer for lack of finding homes for them to justify letting a mean little squirt that makes me miserable every time I have to interact with him in any way take up a space I could use for a pleasant male instead.
It is, especially since it's one I had meant to breed from. I have found that, to an extent, if they're going to be mean then they're going to be mean, but none of my other Cochins have ever been like this and this guy wasn't, either, until one specific event, which is why I firmly believe it's my own fault he got this way.

One day, he decided that the feed scoop was offensive and puffed his feathers at it when I was reaching in his pen with it to fill his feed dish. I don't know what I was thinking, I guess that that was funny, but I let him get worked up about the feed scoop just the one time. For some reason that extended his offense to me as well, whether I had the feed scoop in hand or not, from that point forward. Now he's constantly posturing at me when I'm anywhere in his sight, he jumps at the fence if I go by, and if I'm in the pen with him, I cannot turn my back at all or else he'll jump at me. Sometimes he comes at me even if I don't turn my back. I have never run from him, or flinched, or backed off, or reacted at all in any way that could make him think his attacks are having any kind of affect on me. But he just won't stop. Little butthead :tongue
I sort of did the same with Kolovos last Easter. I had my hand open, and left the coop. I guess I got too close to his face, because he raised his hackles slightly. Well, me having a moment decided it was a great idea to tease him. I went back in the coop and waved my hand in his face. I got kicked with 5-7cm spurs in the leg. He hasn't attacked me since. I totally deserved that kick🤣
I sort of did the same with Kolovos last Easter. I had my hand open, and left the coop. I guess I got too close to his face, because he raised his hackles slightly. Well, me having a moment decided it was a great idea to tease him. I went back in the coop and waved my hand in his face. I got kicked with 5-7cm spurs in the leg. He hasn't attacked me since. I totally deserved that kick🤣

Yeah, sounds like the same thing as I did here. What the heck we were thinking!! 🤭

I hope you didn't end up hurt too badly by those spurs!! :eek: Thankfully, the Cochins don't really get spurs, so all I have to worry about is being kicked by a little ~2-pound rooster. And I usually wear knee-high boots in my pens unless it's super hot out, and the little squirt is too short to really hit anything but the boots, so he doesn't even really do anything that actually physically hurts me, much as he seems to think he does. 🙄
Not anything too major, considering I can't quite remember what I had. I do think I had a nice bruise, and some minor bleeding, nothing serious though. It hurt mostly momentarily, then it was fine. I don't wear boots, only an old pair of sneakers, so my leg didn't have much protection.

I have been thinking of getting some "chore" boots, but to be honest, I don't think I'll use them much for the reasons you stated.

Just imagining the tiny guy trying to attack you is making me laugh🤣
It is, especially since it's one I had meant to breed from. I have found that, to an extent, if they're going to be mean then they're going to be mean, but none of my other Cochins have ever been like this and this guy wasn't, either, until one specific event, which is why I firmly believe it's my own fault he got this way.

One day, he decided that the feed scoop was offensive and puffed his feathers at it when I was reaching in his pen with it to fill his feed dish. I don't know what I was thinking, I guess that that was funny, but I let him get worked up about the feed scoop just the one time. For some reason that extended his offense to me as well, whether I had the feed scoop in hand or not, from that point forward. Now he's constantly posturing at me when I'm anywhere in his sight, he jumps at the fence if I go by, and if I'm in the pen with him, I cannot turn my back at all or else he'll jump at me. Sometimes he comes at me even if I don't turn my back. I have never run from him, or flinched, or backed off, or reacted at all in any way that could make him think his attacks are having any kind of affect on me. But he just won't stop. Little butthead :tongue

Anyway, long story short, I should have known better at the time than to encourage him with the feed scoop and this is the consequence of that. At least now I know better for future roosters, even if this one can't be redeemed. :idunno I end up putting too many good males in the freezer for lack of finding homes for them to justify letting a mean little squirt that makes me miserable every time I have to interact with him in any way take up a space I could use for a pleasant male instead.
I had one that I thought would get aggressive and he's just sweet, another I thought would be my little buddy forever and he's got a bad attitude now.

Hmm, do you think some roosters have a little switch so once something flips it they're flipped for life? How much reason is in their mind versus just instinct and hormones?

Ugh, it's so hard with 50% boys hatching and no one wants the boys. I am hoping I can find all the boys I hatch and don't need new homes, but I also know that's not likely.
Not anything too major, considering I can't quite remember what I had. I do think I had a nice bruise, and some minor bleeding, nothing serious though. It hurt mostly momentarily, then it was fine. I don't wear boots, only an old pair of sneakers, so my leg didn't have much protection.

I have been thinking of getting some "chore" boots, but to be honest, I don't think I'll use them much for the reasons you stated.

Just imagining the tiny guy trying to attack you is making me laugh🤣
My silkie attacking my boot is comical, he's naughty, I'm not sure he's flogging, but he definitely does some fast footed shuffles and pecks. Fizz Bang on the otherhand, got his spur through my muck boot and did a little damage. He was a big boy and capable of powerful kicks too. I had squatted down inside one run about 6" from the chicken wire, he kicked the run so hard he bent the chicken wire and hit my hip hard enough to make me remember for a couple hours.

JetPack looks like a black floor mop hopping all over my feet while chattering away. I barely feel him 🤣

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