Missing feathers/exposed skin and winter weather


In the Brooder
Sep 12, 2022
Hi, it’s my first post so I hope this is the right place to post this.

A few weeks ago I picked up a white leghorn hen (1.5 years old), and the owner had her wearing a saddle 24/7 despite not owning any roosters. I took the saddle off and the hen, Anne, had patches of bare skin exposed and irritation. The irritation healed but feathers haven’t regrown yet.

My main concern is how she’s going to fair the coming winter weather. Here in upstate NY we’re already getting 30-50 degree weather. I don’t think Anne has enough time to regrow the bare patches and I want to know if there’s any special care I could give her to protect her exposed skin from the cold while she and the rest of the flock are free ranging during the day. Anne is one of the friendlier gals who enjoy time on my or my daughters lap. I swear she might know her name, or at least know that ‘Anne!’ means bug buffet time.

I did send the pictures to her previous owner who said Anne had been wearing the saddle for more than a year without it ever being removed. When they saw Anne’s back they assured me they would be removing the saddles from the rest of their hens.
I'm in Massachusetts and it's molting season for my girls...it looks like a chicken or two exploded. She should have time to grow feathers before it gets super cold. Make sure she eats a lot too that will help. I give mine extra vitamins and layer booster now. I know mine are aware winter is coming.
I'm in Massachusetts and it's molting season for my girls...it looks like a chicken or two exploded. She should have time to grow feathers before it gets super cold. Make sure she eats a lot too that will help. I give mine extra vitamins and layer booster now. I know mine are aware winter is coming.
I sure hope so. The rest of the flock molted a few weeks ago before we got Anne.
A few weeks ago I picked up a white leghorn hen (1.5 years old), and the owner had her wearing a saddle 24/7 despite not owning any roosters. I took the saddle off and the hen, Anne, had patches of bare skin exposed and irritation. The irritation healed but feathers haven’t regrown yet.
She should be fine.

The bare areas look typical of a bird being mated or mounted. Perhaps they had a rooster in the past, or even another hen that was mounting out of dominance. The only reason to put saddles on hens is to help prevent some damage from mating and mounting. Saddles won't prevent a hen from feathering in during molt. I've used them and never had an issue during molt.

The feather follicles are still intact in the skin, she's got damaged, worn and broken feathers too. None of these will be replaced until she molts, so you'll have to just wait it out.
Extra protein may be helpful once she begins molting but it won't make her feather in.

Do keep an eye on the small area of broken skin and see that the others are not picking at it.

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