Missing feathers molting or illness.


Aug 29, 2022
Johnson City, NY (Town of Maine, NY)
My son has 4 Rhode Island Red chickens about 1 1/2 years old which live in an eglu and have a large open air pen. They seem to be suffering a lot of feather loss, one more than others but all are starting to show bare spots and he fears it could be illness. They were treated twice with ivermectin and the coop sanitized etc and they have a nice dust bath that includes DE. They began tearing open their own eggs too, but he put fake ones out with mustard and they seem to have stopped that. Should he be concerned. Do chickens molt in the middle of winter? He lives up north, near Elmira NY. Appreciate any advice.
Do chickens molt in the middle of winter?
Yes, unfortunately *many* do.. and feathers are made from 90% protein.. so usually switching to a higher protein feed (20% if not already there) is a good idea.. *most* birds will not lay eggs during this time. They may not all be effected (or molt) at exactly the same time either despite being the same age.
Oh thank you so much. What a relief! It was such a huge number of feathers! I raised 12 from day one then split up the tribe and gave half to my son. We both culled our Roos (puberty was not kind to them or us😬.) so his and mine are exact same age. Mine are not molting, I think, but what do I know🤷‍♂️. Will have hm up the protein though.

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