missred871, where are you? Update!!


Chicken Fairy Godmother
8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
Long Island, NY
A few of us were wondering if anyone has spoken with missred871, it's been a while since we have heard from her, and hope everything is ok.....
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I got a PM from Missred871 30 Oct 2011, saying she was sending out something pretty over due. I never got it and never heard from her again. I sent a few PM's inquiring if she was ok but she never responded. I did notice a few of her auctions end here recently. I wonder if the people who won them have heard from her? I REALLY hope she is okay. Please keep us posted on this thread. Thanks Pauletta
I went to her website, it has a link to contact her. Will see what happens and let everyone know if she answers.
Hopefully just a computer crash....
I heard from missred! She sent a text to my jewelery website, which I have not been checking because I just haven't been feeling creative.
I got in contact with her thru her etsy page.
She is sorry that she has everyone worried, she has been busy with work and Drs. appointments.
Her grandfather is in the hospital, and she is also fighting with her daughters ears, they keep getting infected, and need surgery.
The only happy news is she has gotten engaged!
"So sorry to all the Hyderabad whom I owe on the swap. Let them and meepit know I haven't forgotten.
All of their things are set aside. Life has caught with me something awful lately, I miss all of you at BYC and hope to have the chance to come back soon.
I will let u know as soon as as I can how things are. Love u all."
That is just some of her letter, she has been downsizing, and times are getting tight with all the time off work.
I am glad she is ok, she had us all worried.
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