Mite Help?


8 Years
Aug 31, 2015
Near Seattle, WA
Hello! I have recently moved to a new house, the old owners allowing us to keep their fourteen chickens. They all seemed fairly healthy at first, except for a few dirty feathers around some of their vents. We didn't think it was mites at first, but now a couple of our hens have raw, featherless areas around their vents! Any tips for getting rid of these tiny monsters? I am starting to get really worried! Thanks.
It's very unusual to see actual feather loss from mite infestations. If it is mites, you'll see them crawling around on the skin and there will be obvious white nest clumps at the base of the feather shaft in the fluff, chin, and beneath the wing. Can you post any pictures?
Standard treatment for mites and lice is application of a permethrin dust. It can't hurt them to treat with it, but frankly, I've never seen any kind of swelling or feather loss and only rarely see redness during all of my dealings with parasite infestation, so I'm still not convinced bugs are your issue. Pictures would help to confirm/disprove whether or not it is a parasite issue.

As mentioned by ladyearth, depluming mites are known to cause feather loss, but as I understand it, they are rather rare (I certainly have never encountered them). Though they do require a more advanced treatment like the application of Ivermectin, as poultry dust does not effect them.
Hi! I'm so sorry to hear that. If they are raw around the vent, I would rule out Fly Strike first. Dirty feathers around the vent screams of fly strike. Here's a link to rule that in our out. You'll need to grab one up and have a really close look for rice looking wigglies. Here's a link for you to have a look.
If it's lice, could be mites. have you completely stripped old bedding and sprayed/powdered the coop? I use Bayer Permecterin II premise spray with 30 day residual in the barn, coop and run (10% permethrin). Can you look into a permethrin based powder to treat the flock? Here's a chart I found of what kills what.
that's all I have! Best of luck! Keep us posted.
External Parasite Treatments for Chickens
Effective against​
Camphor Scaly leg mite Chicken’s legs and feet Ointment
Diatomaceous earth (DE) Lice, northern fowl mite, roost mite Chicken, coop, dustbath Powder
Garlic juice Northern fowl mite Chicken Spray
Ivermectin Lice, northern fowl mite, roost mite, scaly leg mite Chicken By mouth or injection, prescribed by a veterinarian
Neem oil Lice, northern fowl mite, roost mite Chicken, coop Spray
Petroleum jelly/sulfur mix Scaly leg mite Chicken’s legs and feet Ointment
Pyrethrin and permethrin Lice, northern fowl mite, roost mite Chicken, coop Powder, spray, dip
Sulfur Lice, northern fowl mite, roost mite Chicken, coop, dustbath Powder, spray
Where did you find this? This is great! Here is a link to another person who has the same problem. Thank you so much!
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