Mites! Permethrin 10% safe to spray on?

Hello, I am dealing with a mite problem and I have already cleaned out all bedding and used a 10% Permethrin spray on the housing (1.2oz for 1 gal of water) and I dusted DE around the place to help but many people say DE doesn't get rid of them on the birds if they are it okay to spray Permethrin on the skin? It says you can use it on the skin of dogs in nasty cases but no great info on using it on chickens...

There is a 5% Permethrin cream sold for use on new born human infants to treat scabies, a pest much like mites.

Not only can you spray Permethrin on the skin of your chickens but 4 oz of 40% Permethrin mixed with 25 gallons of water makes a good solution to use as a dip to combat mites. Just keep your chickens heads from going under water because chickens are really really bad at holding their noses.
What exactly did you do?
I thought the label said the ratio of permethrin to water was 1:2......and upon looking at it again today it says 1:200! I'm a total idiot. That was 4 days ago and they seem to be ok.
One hen has reddened areas between her toes. I was going to repeat the treatment this week, once a week for 3 weeks to get rid of the poultry lice they have...but now I wonder if I need to wait.
Hello, I am dealing with a mite problem and I have already cleaned out all bedding and used a 10% Permethrin spray on the housing (1.2oz for 1 gal of water) and I dusted DE around the place to help but many people say DE doesn't get rid of them on the birds if they are it okay to spray Permethrin on the skin? It says you can use it on the skin of dogs in nasty cases but no great info on using it on chickens...
Permethrin is not good on chickens and eating eggs afterwards for a week or so is a big no no.
I use the following which works brilliantly.
A coffee mug of cooking oil.
2 coffee mugs of water.
A tablespoon of dishwashing liquid.
Mix together and spray/brush on the inside of the coop and run... On the wood and in crevices, hinge plates.... Everything!
I use a sprayer so it takes about 5 minutes.
No mite survives that shit.
Talc powder your girls vents, under wings and backs.

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