?? mixing age groups??


14 Years
Dec 22, 2009
Hill Country Texas
I had a group of 38 chicks hatch 3 wks ago. At the time, I had seven 4 week old chicks that I put in the coop that is 15X7ft. I was wondering when I can throw in the younger ones with the older ones???? I will be getting rid of most of them in the end and only keep about 10 total so. I would just love to get them out of the brooder and in the yard. I was thinking of putting them in the coop next weekend. That would make them 4 wk old and the ones already out there would be 8 wks old.

Is this a good idea?
A lot of people will tell you not to mix ages but I've done it successfully many times. The best thing to do would be to put them all in the run with a divider in the run so they can see and interact without being able to hurt one another. After a week or so, take down the divider and see how things go.
Hey Derrick Thats what I did I put up a barrier both in the coop and run. My dark brahmas were older than the other ameracunas and quite diffferent in size as well as age. Now they all run together. Inside the coop however the brahmas still sleep together while the others stay off to themselves When I ope that pop door its every man for himself. What part of west central florida are you in. I am in Taylor county Micki

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