MJ's little flock

Been in detention all day loooong

The hens were locked up in the safety zone ALL DAY! (I had to be at the office.)

So they're taking enormous delight in a couple hours freedom before bedtime with Janet and Mary taking a shared dust bath while Sandy works on trimming back the weeds.

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Been in detention all day loooong

The hens were locked up in the safety zone ALL DAY! (I had to be at the office.)

So they're taking enormous delight in a couple hours freedom before bedtime with Janet and Mary taking a shared dust bath while Sandy works on trimming back the weeds.

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Are you guys doing the time warp this weekend? At least you'll have more daylight @ the right end of your day for the girls.

Mary is a black Australorp. She is the prettiest of my three chickens with iridescent black plumage and big black eyes that go blink-blink in a very charming way.

Favourite hobby: drinking. Mary is a waterholic.

Favourite saying: wohr-wohr

Rank: formerly Lieutenant, now Captain. Captain's rank was obtained by strategically using her weight, agility and determination to obtain the top spot on the roost from the disgraced former Captain, Janet.

Named after: Mary is named after Mary Kopscanyi. Mary Kopscanyi was my Nana's great-niece. Mary showed me kindness and love from the day I was born until the day she died. Her house is across the street from my house (both houses were built at the same time by the same person - my great-great uncle) but it is now owned by a lovely young family of four. Mary's house was built for her grandmother, Sarah, who was my grandmother's oldest sister. Tragically, Mary's mother died young, so Sarah provided Mary with a loving home and family life. Mary passed away quite suddenly in 2016, although she was well into her 80s. Her husband, Frank, died in 2017. They are both survived by their daughter Elizabeth who I don't call often enough. I'll call her today. Mary the chicken helps me keep Mary Kopscanyi's memory alive.

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I am sorry I am late to this. Mary is gorgeous and a great name as well! I am so excited another thread to read!

Janet is a gold-laced "Barnevelder" - I use quotes because her legs aren't yellow and her eggs aren't brown. I'm pretty sure she's not a real Barnevelder, but that makes no difference to me. I bought her for $50 dollars as a pullet from a 12 year old chicken farmer :) it seemed like a lot to pay for a pullet, but I was delighted to support a youngster in his chickening. She was the first chicken to live in the new fox-proof coop. She moved in on Saturday October 20, 2018 and laid her first egg on Sunday October 21.

Favourite hobby: digging.

Second-favourite hobby: dust-bathing.

Favourite saying: peep-peep

Rank: Lieutenant (disgraced former Captain). Fought bravely and tenaciously to retain the top spot on the roost until one day Mary pushed her in just the right way and she fell off into the pine shavings below. Has not yet recovered from the embarrasment.

Named after: Janet is named after Mum. We lost our mum in 2000 from breast cancer. She was a complicated person, but we loved her. I don't have to tell anyone how special the relationship is between mother and children. You already know the story because it's just like your's: sometimes hard, mostly (mysteriously) lovely.

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I live her colors and anyone who is willing to get dirty has my respect.
[Ummm ... maybe Sandy's profile needs a trigger warning - it gets a bit poignant when I describe who she's named after]


Sandy is a red hybrid layer. She was found loitering on the streets and placed into my care when her humans could not be located. Technically, she's a foster-chicken but I don't expect anyone to take her away. She moved in with us on Sunday April 13 2019 and, like a trooper, provided her first egg on Tuesday April 15.

Favourite hobby: daydreaming.

Favourite saying: rrrr-rrrr (very softly, while laying)

Rank: civilian passenger generally getting underfoot on the ship. Gets told off every day.

Named after: Sandy is named after Aunty Sandy who tragically took her own life when she could no longer fight to make sense of the cruelties of her childhood. Her husband was mum's brother. This all happened a long time ago - in the 1992 if I recall correctly. She left two young daughters, Rachel and Laura. Rachel and I are great friends and I have almost persuaded her to get her own chicken flock. Laura was very young when her mum died and needed to break with the family in order to spread her wings. I trust that she is healthy and happy and living her best life. Sandy the chicken, just like Mary, helps me keep Aunty Sandy's memory alive (I don't need help keeping mum's memory alive).

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I don't know of I should feel guilty for naming my most recent girls after Disney characters! :confused:

Just kidding!

I think it is special how you have named them. Something that never occurred to me. They are pretty girls all. I love that you decided to do this. I am looking forward to the stories.

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