MJ's little flock

Ivy has been making nest inspections! But she's supposed to be only 18 weeks old. Those people at the fodder store were either clueless, confused or untruthful.

I truly wonder. I know the supposed hatch dates for mine and they seem correct. 21 weeks feels right. I'd expect eggs by 28 weeks or so based upon their current maturity. It could be later.

I do think some bantams and large egg producers like leghorns can start as early as 16 weeks. Maybe not too far off.
I truly wonder. I know the supposed hatch dates for mine and they seem correct. 21 weeks feels right. I'd expect eggs by 28 weeks or so based upon their current maturity. It could be later.

I do think some bantams and large egg producers like leghorns can start as early as 16 weeks. Maybe not too far off.
I'm ok with not knowing, but the vet will want to know when I take them all for checkups in October. The best I'll be able to say is "nearly 1"
I love Sussexes, is she speckled? And is your Plymouth Rock barred?
Daisy is mainly white with a few black feathers, she is very timid, slow and like the old lady of the group, I call her Mrs plod, the plymouth rock, Blodwyn ( good old welsh name) i am not sure about, i think she is. I thought she would have the same nature as Daisy as my other one did but she is a rascal and definately the boss of them all, and so greedy, if the door is left open she is straight to the cats dishes in the kitchen, she is the one who recently found where the cats do their toilet and eats their poo 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🎆

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