MJ's little flock

I've been known to warm a cup of already brewed tea in the microwave but I'd have thought brewing it in the microwave would mess up the flavour. I'll have to try it for myself.
I hate to admit it but I used to brew tea in the microwave all the time. I am more civilized now and boil water the right way. 😆

There is something about it forcing me to slow down that makes me appreciate it even more. :caf
I hate to admit it but I used to brew tea in the microwave all the time. I am more civilized now and boil water the right way. 😆

There is something about it forcing me to slow down that makes me appreciate it even more. :caf
I'll take slowness wherever and whenever I can get it. I even caught the train to and from a meeting yesterday so I could read peacefully while travelling.

Also, it's much cheaper than parking the car and I get a longer walk at each end of the journey.
I had a feeling this bounty was on the way when yesterday was a rare "no eggs :( " day.

It was all over by 9am and noone called for an escort because they were already escorting each other, the little darlings :love

I've been known to warm a cup of already brewed tea in the microwave but I'd have thought brewing it in the microwave would mess up the flavour. I'll have to try it for myself.
My mother could tell if you used reboilied water rather than fresh water to make tea and if the water had been left boiling or had gone on the leaves exactly as it came to boil. With that training I don’t think I could bring myself to use the microwave!
I'll take slowness wherever and whenever I can get it. I even caught the train to and from a meeting yesterday so I could read peacefully while travelling.

Also, it's much cheaper than parking the car and I get a longer walk at each end of the journey.
We have been having this conversation with my DIL ~ who is stressing about the daily ferry ride if she finds work on the mainland but every islander knows you use the ferry ride to destress from the mainland. 🙄 You can read, knit [crochet if you're me], FB, play games on your phone, do the crossword...And unlike @Kris5902, it's only 20 minutes. I use the barge if I'm transporting chooks & it's the same deal. It's lovely in summer when you can sit outside! OD & I used to get the sunsets over the water after rehearsals when she was smallish & it was quite wonderful. All a matter of perspective. :)
My mother could tell if you used reboilied water rather than fresh water to make tea and if the water had been left boiling or had gone on the leaves exactly as it came to boil. With that training I don’t think I could bring myself to use the microwave!
I'm sceptical about microwaved tea, but I'm willing to try it. I wonder how it will turn out.

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