MJ's little flock

Maybe over the weekend I will give it a try.

People who know microwaves: do I need to worry about the tiny staples holding the string to the tea bag and to the tag?
Never had a problem with that, though I do pull off the paper tag in case it falls in (don't want any ink to spoil the flavor) :) . Just stand by the cancel button in case there is an issue..
One last shot of Ivy pretending to be glamourous like Aurora.

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Here, we can see the elegant line and proportion of her headwear. If anyone can evoke Ascot on Ladies' Day from a rusty old garage, it's Ivy :love
Quite pretty though she looks a little angry/miff'd that she's had her picture taken LOL
Tsuki, Deana and Edwina were first to the breakfast bar today.
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View attachment 2226237

They didn't leave much for Alice and Pepper
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The branch has some nice grooves along it for seed to lay in and there are also some crevices that the girls have to work hard at to extract the seed.

Seed has actually sprouted in a couple of crevices that the girls couldn't reach!
I really like that idea.. Guess its off to the wood for a scavanger hunt

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