MJ's little flock

Maybe a lid of some kind is in order to keep the deposits from hitting the water? Could you maybe fasten something to the top?
A few days ago I switched the plastic water containers so the one that collects poop is now in the big coop where the wildbirds don't get a chance, and the one with the red cup is in the funrun. The cup provides fewer pooping opportunities, almost none. The new water jars dont get pooped in at all. Must be the wrong shape or maybe the wildbirds don't realise they hold water. Once the top of the run is covered, it won't be an issue ever again.

I think I'm seeing worm pieces in Janet's and Peggy's poop. There will be a follow up dose of worming liquid in ten days. By then any coccidia overload should have corrected or become apparent. If it becomes apparent I'll call Dr Mark and get some amprolium.
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Featherfoot the silkie rooster named because of the aboriginal name of the gidarchi medicine man, he also has feather feet. Amber the cream silkie was adopted, and named because of her colour. And little Damsel, is what my grandmother used to call me many years ago. As now in my 70s.
Can we see pictures of your chickens? I am sorry I donā€™t know about pumpkin seeds. Mine like them.
My friend and coworker bought this at the thrift store next door to our workplace at lunch today

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