MJ's little flock

I was trying to not intervene in her behavioural choices but she took it too far. I had been ensuring she was properly fed and watered.
I'm pleased to say the nest wasn't on her mind at roosting time. She was very happy to hop up on the roost with her friends.

It's nice to have her out and about again, especially for Mary because Ivy has taken her place in Peggy's list of people who would benefit from her micro-management :lol::)
I would love a recipe. I have been using the time on a very boring work conference call to surf the internet and I have already learned the difference between a crepe and a pancake. A pancake rises and is thick, a crepe is thin and doesn't rise.
Your conference call must be indeed boring! ;) :pop
Hi Veb :frow

I've never used pumpkin seeds as a treatment for worms. I use something called Kilverm which has levamisole in it to really knock the worms out while keeping the chooks and people safe.

There are some treatments that are even better than Kilverm. I think @Ribh @LozzyR @Aussie-Chookmum or @Scrambles83 will know of some good ones in Australia.
I have also heard of pumpkin seeds being a worm preventative but don't know how accurate that is. I roasted the seeds before I gave them to the girls and they seemed rather picky about them. I haven't done it for a while.

I have wormed them once with a really strong wormer as a fecal float showed a tape worm egg and most poultry wormers don't kill tape worms. I used Avitrol Plus, which isn't listed for chickens but I worked out the doseage; 50ml per 1L of water, two doses seven days apart. There is also an egg-withholding period of seven days, but it's a good one if you have a big worm problem.
The wild birds here too yesterday going mad about the Currawongs especially the pee wees and willy wagtails. The Currawongs usually mean we are in for bad weather. And they are meat eaters will kill baby birds.:frow
Ah! The little ones must be making lots of birdy warning calls!

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