MJ's little flock

I know! But I don't know what kind. I think in the US the Australorp may have become a high production breed. I could get a Jersey Giant (appropriate as they are from my home state) but their size intimidates me a bit!
You can get Aracaunas in black - or Japanese bantams.
What do you mean by distended MJ?
I thought I’d was normal that they went to bed with their crops stuffed full. If mine have been out foraging in the afternoon I am always amazed by how much they seem to find to pack in there! Then they digest it over night.
Hmmmm maybe she undereats most days?

I should clarify it's always distracted distended by roosting time because by then she's had her mash and been fossicking for bugs for an hour or so.
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Hmmmm maybe she undereats most days?

I should clarify it's always distracted by roosting time because by then she's had her mash and been fossicking for bugs for an hour or so.
Yes and the fossicking seems to be quite a productive endeavour judging by how full they are after.
Today was a bit of a wash out for my ladies - they had a spell foraging in the middle of the day and then went in for a nap and then in the afternoon there was a sudden thunder storm so everyone got drenched. I had to shelter in the Chicken Palace!
Good evening, Everyone!
Yes and the fossicking seems to be quite a productive endeavour judging by how full they are after.
Today was a bit of a wash out for my ladies - they had a spell foraging in the middle of the day and then went in for a nap and then in the afternoon there was a sudden thunder storm so everyone got drenched. I had to shelter in the Chicken Palace!
I couldn't think of a nicer place to shelter!

Here's Mary from a moment ago, enjoying a little "me" time off by herself while her friends find bugs near the roost. She's gone as far as she can go before encountering the puppy play pen panel that keeps the hens in the relative safety of the backyard.

She's way down there beyond the AC unit, nibbling some grassy weeds.

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It's come out that he was absolutely horrible to his actresses; telling them they were fat, screaming at them, firing Charisma Carpenter for getting pregnant etc and also being a d*** to some of the younger male actors as well. Here a couple of interesting links:



I will have to owe chicken tax.
Perhaps you would like to know that redeeming to the family/humanity is his brother Sam, who has connections in this area and lived here years ago. I knew him slightly, my sax player knew/knows him well. He hired me for a gig locally doing his songs; my DH performed in the small orchestra of a musical he wrote and conducted. I was very impressed with him. I thought he was unassuming and kind, a brilliant musician/composer and good band leader, he communicated with and managed other people well. I hear his brother doesn't give him the time of day. That was a long time ago, I do not know the present situation.

I'll send up a tax picture tomorrow.

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