MJ's little flock

Maybe? It's not chicken talk, it's clack clack clacking the beak. Like a human smacking their lips.
I have noticed when I'm petting them and they are squatting, if I pet or scrunch the feathers on their necks a bit they lower their heads and seem to beak the ground left and right. Sometimes I hear their beaks lightly snapping. I have had no idea what it signifies. I have also heard a little snapping while upright and walking but it's transitory.
Did he go to school in the UK too?
I don't know his early history. I think the boys inherited the old farmhouse where the sax player I knew & played with was living/renting along with one or two others, so I heard about him through her, as Sam also lived there off and on too when he was East. She was originally from California and they may have had a connection from there. I don't know the history of the farmhouse, except Sam spent a period of time in the East working on this and that, while Joss was working full speed on the West Coast on his projects. The impression I got was that Sam was a brilliant creative but a sensitive type and not a "player," whereas Joss, though also creative, was much more driven and a climber, a go-getter, and maneuvered better within the corporate production scene.

So while Sam was here he gigged and wrote music, and wrote & produced the musical my DH played in. I thought the tunes were very good, the plot was fun and interesting and the orchestration was brilliant use of a chamber-sized group. I subbed for his usual bass player at one of his singer-songwriter gigs up in the Adirondacks.
She's so gold in the late afternoon sun.


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