MJ's little flock

I’m no expert, but I think you made a wonderful difference in their lives too! :love
Well, that's true for Mary who came from a bad home, and maybe true for Ivy and Peggy who came from a shop. But Janet came from a good home where she was well cared for with lots of brothers and sisters.
Well, if I didn't have to go to work, I would prefer to stay at home with my feet up in front of the woodstove on those cold days.
Back when I had a cat, I would be jealous of him, stretched out on the back of the couch while I was heading out into the cold.
I am with you on the cat thing. I am perpetually jealous of my cats. They are cozy and lazy and effortlessly elegant and flexible. They are 100% selfish and everyone loves them for it.
When I die I believe I have done enough good things in life that I deserve to come back as a well cosseted house cat!
Just saying.
I am awake now because of jet lag and I left one who moved into the warm spot I left in the bed and has stretched full length to get maximum benefit of the heat and the duvet, and I am at my desk with another who is casually grooming my forearm to make it acceptable for him to use as a pillow. Two others have not shown their faces because they simply don't feel like being sociable right now. Does it get any better?
The dinner crew.


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