MJ's little flock

Good evening folks :frow

There’s a button in the toolbar that affects how you quote. I don’t remember which one it is but I accidentally press it occasionally and it does something weird to my quotes.
You're toggling BBCode on and off. BBCode allows you to code directly into a post.
I still don't understand why you are engaging with 'quotes' at all. Why not just click 'reply' which automatically quotes what you are replying to.
Sometimes being able to quote a couple of sentences to show a point you are responding to is easier than say highlighting that bit in a full quote given by the replt option.
They're so contented under their favourite bush.

Your opinion please. I want to check in with others.

Do you tip out the old water and fill up with fresh water...

From the drinking water?
From the rainwater?

Every day?
Once a week?
When it needs changing?
Almost every day, because it's not a big bowl and needs refilling anyway. I rub my fingers around inside with the old water, rinse with a bit from the refill bottle, and fill it (tap water).
Just yesterday I said how contented the hens are.

Peggy started a heavy moult overnight and this morning she's utterly ropeable and laser focussed on making Mary pay for it. Janet is intervening best she can. Ivy is keeping well away. Mary is clucking and running and jumping up onto things, none of which she's adept at.
Almost every day, because it's not a big bowl and needs refilling anyway. I rub my fingers around inside with the old water, rinse with a bit from the refill bottle, and fill it (tap water).
That's similar to myself and Shad but more often than everyone else.

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