MJ's little flock


She's like a sunflower that pops up every day :love

She thinks it must be getting near roosting time and the best spot for contemplating the endless possibilities of a new night's dreaming is the arm of the chair.

In truth she gets the best view of the roost from there and none of her friends bother her when she's on the chair.
Good morning/evening MJ and everyone 😊😴

Hi you two! How's life treating you?
Not to bad 😁 I've started walking to check the mail, so that's nice. Yesterday it only took me less than 20 minutes to walk down and back up to the house. That was really good time for me.
This morning, I keep hearing what I thought was a mouse, but it turned out to be a little bird in the woodstove. Bob was trying to catch it in a net, but it got loose in the house 😂. Luckly , I opened the door and it finally found the way out.
There are a few hens in the neighbourhood who put out a sort of half crow. Mary did it for a while, but the champion is Essy the big hen up the street. I heard her a moment ago. Of course, we've got Rocky the rooster up the street too (he lives at a different house to Essy), and then there's another half-crowing hen down the street.
My Cashew has been crowing every morning for at least a couple months now!

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