MJ's little flock

I daresay price would vary widely from market to market. I may ask for an MG swab of Janet's bacteria when she has her checkup next weekend.

I saw @Perris commented that MG is probably in most chicken flocks already. I guess healthy birds aren't bothered by it.
I think it is one of those diseases that flairs up. However, I have sent swabs for analysis on all my Princesses who died this summer and none were positive for Mycoplasma.
I guess healthy birds aren't bothered by it.
Ah - if only! Sadly it's more complicated. Many will live with it, especially if it's a mild strain, and many, though carrying it, recover and resume a normal life - though it might take a year or so to get there (and a lot of people will have culled such a bird before then so don't even know it). But a bird suffering the double whammy of this and something else might not make it. Mortality is usually low, and most birds recover without anything more than a little TLC. Repeated mild infection seems to confer some immunity from symptoms even if the bird is a carrier. And some are asymptomatic carriers from first exposure.

This is one of the best leaflets I've found to date about it
this is good too
Ah - if only! Sadly it's more complicated. Many will live with it, especially if it's a mild strain, and many, though carrying it, recover and resume a normal life - though it might take a year or so to get there (and a lot of people will have culled such a bird before then so don't even know it). But a bird suffering the double whammy of this and something else might not make it. Mortality is usually low, and most birds recover without anything more than a little TLC. Repeated mild infection seems to confer some immunity from symptoms even if the bird is a carrier. And some are asymptomatic carriers from first exposure.

This is one of the best leaflets I've found to date about it
this is good too
Thanks for the advice and the links!

This is the new roosting arrangement. I'll clean the poop off the wall after they've moved out. I'd rather not use detergents while they need the room.

I daresay price would vary widely from market to market. I may ask for an MG swab of Janet's bacteria when she has her checkup next weekend.

I saw @Perris commented that MG is probably in most chicken flocks already. I guess healthy birds aren't bothered by it.
In the bacteria world it is fairly common but I would bet chickens don't normally carry it. I have not researched that to date.
The pullets have been nibbling the fluff off the cat tree. I don't want them filling up on junk food, so it'll have to be removed from their room.

Sorry pullets. Sorry everyone who likes photos of them on the cat tree.
Silly birds. Lost their roost by eating it.

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