MJ's little flock

:fl for Lorna. I've had a few just waste away over the years, and never really got to the bottom of it. I think there are quite a few different things that can cause it, and often there are multiple things going on inside, so it's hard to unravel their combined symptoms and work out what's primary and what's secondary or even tertiary. But a few have fought their way back to health, so, like you MaryJanet, I resist throwing in the towel unless and until I'm sure the direction is just one way. Fingers crossed for Lorna.
:fl for Lorna. I've had a few just waste away over the years, and never really got to the bottom of it. I think there are quite a few different things that can cause it, and often there are multiple things going on inside, so it's hard to unravel their combined symptoms and work out what's primary and what's secondary or even tertiary. But a few have fought their way back to health, so, like you MaryJanet, I resist throwing in the towel unless and until I'm sure the direction is just one way. Fingers crossed for Lorna.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I thought that all your chickens had flourished and it's good to know I'm not alone in having a chicken fail to thrive and that you've had similar problems.

I've become very grateful that the chickens have such a reliable vet. When you had chickens failing to thrive, did you take them to a vet? If so, what was the advice? (Mark's great, but reassurance is always welcome.)

I took up chicken and cat care with a mild contemplative awareness of the responsibilities and moral obligations, so I'm simply aiming to provide care according to standards I set for myself. I value and aspire to honour life (although sometimes certain bacteria and many humans are on my PITA list), so there's no giving up on one of the chickens unless I'm quite sure. It's emotionally tiring and sometimes expensive, but Mark the vet is one of those brusque but very good-hearted people and he has been known to surprise me with free appointments and huge discounts. I think he sees that I consider myself morally obliged to the chooks.
My poor Nyssa. 😳

When you had chickens failing to thrive, did you take them to a vet? If so, what was the advice? (Mark's great, but reassurance is always welcome.)
No I didn't. After a lifetime in research, I do a lot of my own. And the vet that sees the dog has sold out to a corporation that doubled the prices for half the service.

I now take the other chickens as my first and true advisors: if they (or in particular, if the matriarch Maria) stick with the one that is ailing, and the one that is ailing comes to the back door (or one of the other doors) and either comes in when it's opened or waits to be picked up, I bring it in and offer a variety of foodstuffs till I find something they want to eat. (Maria will wait by the back door in some cases until I bring them back. I think she is protecting the ill one at such times.)

If the flock turns on the one that is ailing, which sometimes happens, I think it is because they think that one has something contagious that is a threat to their own health, and they want it gone to remove the health hazard to them all. So sometimes they'll tolerate an obviously sick bird for months, before either it gets better or it contracts something contagious because it's already ill with something idiopathic.

At times I have had suspicions of mycoplasma and/or mareks in my flock. From what I read, both are very likely, most keepers have them and just don't know they've got it.
833g at her second feed.
I guess it makes sense that her weight is fluctuating according to how recently she ate
Like with people you should compare weight at the same stage then (before eating , and at roost time) ?
How is she behaving ?
And how is Christa ?
Can you see new feather quilts coming in under the feathers she's loosing ?
I forgot to mention it yesterday but with my hen Blanche we understood there was a problem because she was loosing feathers and there was none growing back under.

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