MJ's little flock

To add yet another edge to my day of extreme chickening, I just had the extraordinary good luck to witness Janet lay an egg. At 8.33pm. In the big coop. Not in the nest.

She was acting strange in an eggy way and I thought, "Oh no, Jan's egg bound." Nope. Just waiting for it to come out.

Ivy and Peggy were as surprised as I was and we all gathered around to watch it drying off.
Extreme Chickening is a good phrase.
I have a question; do chickens urinate as well as defacate, or does it mix in together? I have towels on the roosts and where Snowy was sleeping, there’s a wet patch along with a couple of poos. I’m absolutely paranoid at the moment about health concerns and you don’t see chickens just doing a wee.
I have a question; do chickens urinate as well as defacate, or does it mix in together? I have towels on the roosts and where Snowy was sleeping, there’s a wet patch along with a couple of poos. I’m absolutely paranoid at the moment about health concerns and you don’t see chickens just doing a wee.
the white stuff on a normal chicken poo is the urates that would come out in pee in a mammal.
So no, chickens do not normally pee.
But they do have occasional very liquid poo which you could mistake for pee.

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