MJ's little flock

Try to relax and enjoy the opportunity to carry them. I never touch mine unless necessary so carrying them around like I did with Phyllis on Saturday is a real treat. You are doing great.
Oh, I'm very relaxed! I love carrying them :) It's a bit awkward with Mary, but otherwise it's delightful!

But I can't say they love it. They're very good about it, but I doubt they'd volunteer if they had the choice. So the sooner they're adjusted, the fewer night time pickups will be required and the happier the hens will be.
I really need a hug right now.
Yesterday evening I fed all the chickens, and they all seemed fine. Then when I went out later to shut them up for the night I found that Betty had died.
I have no idea why, but I think something like a heart attack is most likely, as it looked like it happened just as she was jumping up onto the roost.
I don't know what to do with Bertha now, she seems alright but one hen with two cockerels isn't going to go very well, and she never really fitted in with any of the other hens.
Its been a rotten week in one way and another.. :(
Thank you :hugs
What do you think about having one hen in with two cockerels for now? They still seem to be getting on alright, and aren't over mating her at all as far as I can see.

I'm thinking about trying to hatch some of her eggs that I still have, but they might be a bit on the old side so I don't know how it will turn out. I just don't have the heart to eat them.
Thank you :hugs
What do you think about having one hen in with two cockerels for now? They still seem to be getting on alright, and aren't over mating her at all as far as I can see.

I'm thinking about trying to hatch some of her eggs that I still have, but they might be a bit on the old side so I don't know how it will turn out. I just don't have the heart to eat them.
It's so good to see a comment from you :)

I would see how things progress between them. If she's OK with it, then leave them be. If she becomes over-mated, perhaps add two more hens or pullets.

I don't have any suggestions on the eggs. Hopefully someone who knows about things like that will chip in.
It's so good to see a comment from you :)
Thank you, I had to take a bit of a break from to much chickeny stuff, and also had a lot of other things happening over the weekend.
I'm feeling better about it all now though, these things just happen sometimes.
I don't have any suggestions on the eggs. Hopefully someone who knows about things like that will chip in.
I've started my incubator up, and I'll just see how it goes. If its meant to be it will be, so to speak. I'll also put in a few fresher eggs from the other hens, so if only one hatches it should have some company.
Pooper scooper and bucket are ready for action!

If the incubator owners process their own cockerels, then fine. But other people who don’t have the heart to think it’s a good idea, they will suddenly find themselves inundated with little boys.
It was my first question when my cousin told me they were incubating a clutch at her son's school, "Oh really? What will they do with the cockerels?" Don't know if my cousin passed that Q on to the school, but I hope so.

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