MJ's little flock

Oh no. Since retiring I have become a real homebody.
I suspect @Shadrach and I may have trodden some of the same paths a long time ago however. I was quite immersed in Central Asia, Silk Road, Great Game parts of the world for quite a while. And as a child I spent a lot of time in East Africa. Then I fell in love with SE Asia. Really, it is Australia and NZ I have neglected, as well as much of Europe.
It was a long time ago but I was in Northern India the same year as you, 1988.
It was a special moment. The painting also made me thing of mum who was a chronic schizophrenic. Between knowing a little of van Gogh's lived experience and the effervescent colours, she was brought to mind in that moment even though she had died long before.
It's amazing how art can move you like that.
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For me, it's been important to see artworks for myself. The more renowned ones have had so much discussion over the years I would expect most people who can read or listen would have at least a little awareness of them in advance, and that's me to a T, so it's a chance to see something I've heard of with my own eyes and then I can puzzle over the reasons for its renown.

Like bajillions of other people, I once had a good look at the Mona Lisa and I immediately appreciated the delicacy of the brushwork, but I wasn't taken by her enigmatic expression like all the discussion suggests. I thought she looked like she had observed something about da Vinci that she wouldn't speak - as if he was attracted to her but she didn't reciprocate. It was a knowing but kind smile.
I love this thought about the Mona Lisa. That's how I'm going to look at it from now on.
Thanks Bob! I have read that speckled chickens get more white spots as they age and go through their moults. So if you ever see a mostly white speckled chook, it's probably quite old!
Here's hoping Lady Featherington lives long enough to look like this some day.

It's so good to be home with the cat and chooks.

Blossom gave me a very warm welcome with much zooming for joy and 3 hours of purring. The chooks have been clingy this morning, so I think perhaps they missed me too 🥰

I'm going to do only a few chores today, then I'm going to walk on the beach to get some fresh, salty air on my face and in my hair before going out for a birthday dinner this evening.
Happy Birthday! 🎂 🎉🎊🥳

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