MJ's little flock

I'm not aware of Blossom noticing them.

Long ago there was some yowling and she became attentive and bristled. But that's the only event that comes to mind. I keep Blossom inside at night so she can't hunt native species. She can't come to harm from other cats at night.

I guess the fox is hungry at this time of year.
Actually he looked in very good condition. Sleek, no mange. He was very alert and listened to the chickens before heading off into the woods. I hoped he would stop by the groundhog den but he didn’t.
Do foxes eat groundhogs?
They would eat baby groundhogs. But adults are bulky and have very long claws (like all diggers) and teeth (like all rodents) so I think a fox would be hesitant to take in an adult or enter a den that had an adult at home.
I have never seen it, but I am sure they do manage to pick off some babies from time to time.
It is probably a bit early for babies. I am not sure when they are born exactly. A
It's only 23C at present and quite breezy, so Christa's feeling good!


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