Molt or mites?


Jul 27, 2023
I know tons of people here have posted on this, and i have read EVERYTHING i can find about this, but i am still not sure! I have been searching for answers for 2+ weeks.

I have a Blue andelusian named Coffee, i have inspected her and the barn (at night time too) every other day for mites and lice and i cant find anything visible but i am convinced that im just not seeing the parasite... here's the story of Coffee...

July 5th: i suspected mites or lice on my BR from the behavior she was exibiting, however she seemed fine the next day. But i took precaution and gave the barn a clean and dusted with DE. Didn't treat any chickens because i didn't find any parasite on their bodies.

July 5, 6, 7, 8 Coffee has completely stopped laying, strange because she only skips 1 or 2 days sometimes. The BR was acting lethargic and weird on july 5th but has continued to lay regularly and seems totally fine, with no feather loss from her.

July 9: I found a pile of little fluffy feathers in what looks like a dirt bath hole (just like a pillow fight, a sign of molt, they say). I thought it was my baby lavendar orp getting picked on, but upon further inspection, I noticed a bunch of the fluffy thigh and tushy feathers missing from Coffee. I inspected around the vent but didn't see any redness on the skin or any parasites.

Another pile of feathers in the coup was found the next day... ok, maybe a molt??

She has completely stopped laying and started losing feathers on her head and neck. But the feathers seem to be growing back just as fast as she is losing them. She is eating and drinking pretty normally. She is pretty flighty normally and is even worse now that she's growing new feathers, but i have been diligently inspecting her everywhere, including under wings and vent despite her protest. I dont see anything that looks obviously like mites.

The reasons why im confused based on what I've read:

1) Molt starts from top to bottom. But she lost feathers from bottom to top. Also, she doesn't look like any other molting pictures that i have seen. She just looks like Sh!$ and idk if mites or molt lol

2) Some people say you won't see the mites/lice with your naked eye because they are so microscopic, but some pictures show that it's pretty obvious, and that you can see the eggs on the feather base. Maybe im just not seeing them?! Her skin/feathers dont look like any of the mite and lice pictures either!

3)she seems to be acting normally, digging around, eating, and coming for treats. Goes crazy on the mealworms and scrambled eggs that i give her to help grow feathers back. BUT she does seem to be resting/sun bathing more than normal, and ALL of the chickens, including Coffee, seem like they are preening/scratching sooooo much, is that normal?

4) Coffee is about 17 to 18 months old, which is apparantly prime first molt age. Im also in the process of integrating the chicks i got this year. I started it before Coffee started losing feathers, maybe shes stressed? They are about 16 weeks old. Is coffee molting, or just stressed? Or is her feathers/skin dirty from dust bath, or is it mites?

She looks so raggedy and terrible. Her feathers do look really dirty and bad. At what point will i know for certain that it's mites or not? Would the other chickens be sjowing signs at this point? It's been a couple of weeks. How long can hens have mites untreated before they actually die or show more obvious behavior and signs of mites?

I included some pictures of her vent, and feathers. I cannot find any signs of actual parasites but you can clearly see the feather loss and new feathers directly around the vent! I also inspected the feathers on the ground and didnt see any eggs or anything obvious. Her skin looks alittle yellow and crusty in some places too.


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She has completely stopped laying and started losing feathers on her head and neck. But the feathers seem to be growing back just as fast as she is losing them. She is eating and drinking pretty normally. She is pretty flighty normally and is even worse now that she's growing new feathers,

I wouldn't handle her a lot during molt.
If she's eating/drinking and relatively active then I'd just enjoy her.

Some hens have a light molt while others lose all their feathers and really look like a plucked chicken.
Thanks! I know it's painful for them to grow new feathers and she doesn't want to be handled but I was convinced she had mites or something. I've inspected her so much and I can't find anything. I've inspected everyone a bunch! Nobody's skin looks red or irritated at all so I think I'm just being overly cautious. I did add alittle acv to their water buckets as a precaution because I read that mites don't like the taste when they bite the hens. She just looks so ragged and I just want her to look like herself again.

I did have also have a concern about depluming mites on a different pullet before Coffee started molting. This pullet had a some small chunks of a few feathers on her back missing. Just at the tips. But I think she was just getting pecked at because there's no other signs of her being sick and she isn't losing whole feathers. I've been integrating my new pullets for the past month or so and we are still having some pecking order issues. I feel so bad for Coffee because she started this molting right in the midst of integration and I know that's stressful.
I did add alittle acv to their water buckets as a precaution because I read that mites don't like the taste when they bite the hens.

This pullet had a some small chunks of a few feathers on her back missing. Just at the tips. But I think she was just getting pecked at because there's no other signs of her being sick and she isn't losing whole feathers.
Old Wives' tale - if ACV made mites not bite chickens, then everyone would be doing it.

If you do ever notice lice or mites, then get some Permethrin poultry dust or spray and begin treatment of birds and housing asap.

Feather mites are microscopic, signs would be stripped feathers, birds plucking out their own feathers and heavily digging at their skin leaving scabs. Ivermectin is treatment for those.
Old Wives' tale - if ACV made mites not bite chickens, then everyone would be doing it.

If you do ever notice lice or mites, then get some Permethrin poultry dust or spray and begin treatment of birds and housing asap.

Feather mites are microscopic, signs would be stripped feathers, birds plucking out their own feathers and heavily digging at their skin leaving scabs. Ivermectin is treatment for those.

Old Wives' tale - if ACV made mites not bite chickens, then everyone would be doing it.

If you do ever notice lice or mites, then get some Permethrin poultry dust or spray and begin treatment of birds and housing asap.

Feather mites are microscopic, signs would be stripped feathers, birds plucking out their own feathers and heavily digging at their skin leaving scabs. Ivermectin is treatment for those.
Even if it's an OWT I still insist that acv does alot of good. Even if not necessarily a mite deterrent but I use it to treat uti's in my dogs and I drink it for digestive health and I use it in my own hair. I know it's probably alot to ask acv to deter parasites but I'm so worried, I wanted to try it. I haven't noticed anything that you've mentioned above. I am so worried about this but it sounds like things would look more serious than what I'm currently seeing. Thanks for this!
Update, this chicken seems to have gone through a soft molt because she is looking alot better and she's laying eggs again. I wasn't expecting her to lay eggs until next spring after a molt but she seems totally back to normal. She is even more submissive and less flighty which is great because this andalusian breed has been such a flighty chicken since I got her last year. But she's been squatting so much for me, she's allowing me to pet her so maybe molting calmed her down?
You can see in the pic that she's grown back the tail feathers, she only had one tail feather left in july!


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Update, this chicken seems to have gone through a soft molt because she is looking alot better and she's laying eggs again. I wasn't expecting her to lay eggs until next spring after a molt but she seems totally back to normal. She is even more submissive and less flighty which is great because this andalusian breed has been such a flighty chicken since I got her last year. But she's been squatting so much for me, she's allowing me to pet her so maybe molting calmed her down?
You can see in the pic that she's grown back the tail feathers, she only had one tail feather left in july!
She looks good!
I'm glad she's doing a lot better and has feathered back out.

Some hens mellow out a bit as they get older, so hard to know if the molt calmed her down or if she's just maturing and more comfortable now.

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