Mom is dying

That is such a sweet story!

Right before my mom passed she kept insisting on knowing who was holding her hand. No one was.....well someone was but it wasn't any of us in the room.

ZooMummzy~ I'm so sorry for your loss. It brings tears to my eyes knowing what your family is going through.
Prayers are being said for you all.
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I am sorry to hear your mom passed away. I know you don't realize it now......but time does help. It doesn't and will never competely heal but today ( fory You ) is the worst of days.

You have my sympathy and prayers for your family and your mother.

God Blesses,

I pray to God all goes well for you and your family when you get there, and I hope when your mother does pass that it's in her sleep wether it be medicated or naturally. I cried reading hurts me so badly when I know someones losing a mother....losing anyone isn't good, but a mother....I'd give my life for mine...
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It was my father's job as a deacon of his church to greet people at the door as they came in. The older he got the more important the job became to him and he derived great pleasure from it. He passed a year and a half ago and I believe he now stands just inside heaven's gate as a greeter. I'm sure he'll be there to welcome your mother.

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