Momma and her new baby!!


9 Years
Apr 9, 2010
Sunny FL
Tiny went broody almost a month ago... she had a pretty good size clutch of eggs and on the eve of day 21, a raccoon dug into the very back corner of the coop and scooped out 2 brand new hatchlings and a bunch of her eggs :(. I was sure no more would hatch, maybe the eggs got cold or whatever. But 2 days later this little peep popped up out of momma's feathers!

The momma is still sitting on some eggs, but I am not sure if they will hatch at this point :( It is nice that she got one healthy baby out of it all... after losing the 1st few :(

Sad and happy at the same time. Sounds like raising chickens to me. I'm sorry for the pain, it's awful. Watching a mother chicken with her babies is one of the highlights for me. I love when they sit on mommas back and slide down, lol. Enjoy the baby!

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