Moody new layer pecking other chicken


Sep 10, 2020
SW Utah
I’ve noticed the last few days my Golden Buff targets my Easter Egger. My EE is a bit high strung, loud, and dashes around a lot, but now anytime she crosses my GB’s path, she gets pecked hard on the back of the neck/head. It’s usually just a single peck but hard enough to make my EE squawk (no blood)...and sometimes it’s just because she is nearby...not actually doing anything. Today a feather got pulled.
My GB doesn’t do this to anyone else...and no one else pecks anyone this hard. Usually they give each other the “back off” look and the lower chicken stops what they’re doing. Or they take a “swing” but don’t actually make contact. My GB actually goes out of her way to make sure my EE gets her peck.
My GB just barely started laying two days ago...and has been pretty dramatic about it. Could this just be hormonal chicken behavior? Or is this the beginning of a problem?
Could this just be hormonal chicken behavior? Or is this the beginning of a problem?
Need more info:
-your flock size(numbers, ages, genders),
-your coop(size in feet by feet with pics),
-and what and how exactly you are feeding,
might offer clues to if there is a solvable problem.
Need more info:
-your flock size(numbers, ages, genders),
-your coop(size in feet by feet with pics),
-and what and how exactly you are feeding,
might offer clues to if there is a solvable problem.
6 -all 20 week female
Coop is 4x6
Run is 5x20 (we get over 250 days of sun a year so they’re mostly outside)
Coop not inside run...but on the side attached.
PVC pipe auto feeders in run always full with layer feed crumbles.
Treats in AM...handful of scratch or fruit & veggie scraps, scrambled eggs 1x a week. If it’s over 90 I’ll give them frozen watermelon in the PM. Sometimes a cabbage or veggie piñata

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