More questions - housing this time


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
For those that remember, a week ago I posted about my 6 who do not like staying outside after 7pm and who don't like going in their coop. I wanted to post the pen and coop pics here to get some experienced advice on whether my set-up is ok for them.

Our "info":

6 ducks - 2 mallards (female), 2 rouens (1 of each) 2 runners (1 of each). Born around June 6th making them about 3 months old. Male rouen has been molting out his original feathers and is changing to the drake feathering. They stay outside all day and come inside at night. They have a large kiddie pool on our upper back deck which connects to the house. They are allowed to free rance in our very large backyard but they will not stay out there alone all day. After a few hours on the back deck they let us carry them downstairs (except the mallards - they'll fly) where they'll roam around until about 6/7pm. Then they sneak through the slats in the fence and walk around to the front door and bang n quack until we let them in. We live in Mass and the nights are getting darker earlier and it's getting colder.

Below are pics of the coop and pen. Are both big enough for them? The coop has a heat lamp inside so they can keep warm when things start to get chilly. Is it large enough inside? The only 2 that will go in are the mallards and they will only poke in and out. We wanted to make it small so they could hudle and stay warm but now I'm afraid it's too small and they won't have enough room.


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Looks nice. Though if you have racoons and/or opossums in the neighborhood I would put hardware cloth/rabbit wire on the lower third of the duck run....they can reach right through chain link and grab a sleeping duck.
Looks nice. Though if you have racoons and/or opossums in the neighborhood I would put hardware cloth/rabbit wire on the lower third of the duck run....they can reach right through chain link and grab a sleeping duck.

Hubby's attaching hardware cloth along the bottom then we're adding about a foot of earth and 3 inches of peastone this weekend.

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