Most beautiful young lady contest!


8 Years
Apr 24, 2011
Hi, I am holding a contest for the most beautiful young pullet. The pullet must be between 8 and 20 weeks old. (I know at 8 weeks you won't know whether it is a pullet or roo, it's okay!) All breeds are welcome. Please post at least one picture and the pullet's name, age, breed, and describe her personality. Prizes:
1st: Know that you have the most beautiful young female "Backyard Chicken"
2nd: Know that your pullet is very beautiful.
3rd: Know that your pullet is at least relatively attractive.
Great prizes, right? ENTER! Get your little girl noticed!
Okay! I think all my pullets are very pretty, but I think the most beautiful is a tie between my Buff Orpington, Ellie, and my Light Brahma, Claire. They're both 17 weeks old, and sweet.
If you like bearded ladies, you'll love this girl.
This is an Easter Egger pullet who will actually be 8 weeks old tomorrow. She doesn't have a name yet; we've just been calling her "the black and white girl." She's a tough girl, though, and takes on the boys on occasion with hackles flaring! (I am 99.9 percent positive that she is a girl, though.)




I know she probably won't win, but here she is anyways.
She's a 19 week old cornish cross that someone found in a lot at ten weeks and gave to us. Her name is Flo, and she's sweet, however she was introduced into the main flock a week ago and is still fitting in, so for now she hangs around my feet, getting attention and protection from me. We don't know if she'll ever lay, but we're keeping her.
We think she's blind in one eye. Here she is:
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