mottled right?

Looks like a mottled chick to me, though I am not an expert. What other black and yellow chicks do you have? It doesn't look like a solid black or barred bird.
Also, is it just me or does that chick look like it has an exceptionally large beak?
Wow, is that really an almost 3 week old chick? Here is a head shot of my LF barred Cochin- who looked alot like you chick when it was about 3 days old- at 3 weeks old and she's almost fully feathered already! Do you brood your chicks inside?
Your chick appears to be black. Most black chicks have a bit of white on their stomach, head, and on their wings. Mottled chicks tend to hatch out marbled with white and black. Like this

I suppose there is a possibility that your chick is mottled, but you will have to wait and see. Also, are you sure your chick is three weeks old, it's development makes it look like it is three days old.
Since it's possible the first is black, perhaps I'm wrong about my other "mottled". What do you think? Note these pics are from when they were about 2 days old. All look slightly different but I assumed they were probably mottled.



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Those chicks really don't look three weeks old... here is a photo of my Buff Brahma mix at 2 weeks (I know, not even the same breed, but still), his wings (and the wings of the Cochin mixes I've raised) were completely feather...
The first one looked mottled to me because of the swirl (for lack of a better word) of yellow on its neck/cheek, and the others look marbled too, but it would really help to know what other breeds (if you have other breeds) you ordered.
Well I can assure you that in the original photo (NOT the new ones which were taken earlier) the chick is 2 weeks and 4 days old. I received them from the hatchery in February so they are not just a few days old. :) Although I'm not really asking what age they are. I'm just curious how accurate I am at identifying coloration.

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