Mouse question


In the Brooder
Sep 3, 2018
This morning I discovered that a small mouse has built a really cute feather nest under our heated water bowl which is inside our enclosed chicken area. I am not going to hurt the mouse but I would like advice on whether or not this will become a problem and if it will, what non lethal methods should I use to keep mice out? It seems to me like the perfect mouse home--safe from predators (don't think chickens mind but I don't know), warm, easy access to water and grain. We have indoor but not outdoor cats and I'm not going to get an outdoor only cat as it's too cold around here and too many predators (coyotees).
This morning I discovered that a small mouse has built a really cute feather nest under our heated water bowl which is inside our enclosed chicken area. I am not going to hurt the mouse but I would like advice on whether or not this will become a problem and if it will, what non lethal methods should I use to keep mice out? It seems to me like the perfect mouse home--safe from predators (don't think chickens mind but I don't know), warm, easy access to water and grain. We have indoor but not outdoor cats and I'm not going to get an outdoor only cat as it's too cold around here and too many predators (coyotees).
Chickens will eat mice
We have mice in our run, if there is food they will come. You could remove ALL feed at night but I think any scraps on the floor of the run/coop will still attract them. I went so far as to line the entire bottom of our covered run with old house bricks and they burrow under to gain access. If anyone out there has suggestions I'll be following this thread!!!!
We have mice in our run, if there is food they will come. You could remove ALL feed at night but I think any scraps on the floor of the run/coop will still attract them. I went so far as to line the entire bottom of our covered run with old house bricks and they burrow under to gain access. If anyone out there has suggestions I'll be following this thread!!!!
Then with mice you could get snakes in the summer
I recently had a similar problem. Found a feather nest and saw some mouse poop in the feeder. Mouse poop in the feed isn’t good and Mice reproduce at a crazy rate, so it’s best to nip it in the bud. I used one of these humane traps
It took a few nights, but by baiting it with the chicken feed they had been eating, I caught 3 in one night. I released them in the woods, by a creek about 30 miles away...

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