
One reason they may dig along the tunnels is because it is pre dug so a lot easier to get at, as Id imagine the moles would eat anything the girls are looking for as well. On that though, eating moles, hmm I wish I could breed a chicken that it's favorite meal was moles, now THAT would be a billion dollar seller right there! I can picture a chicken chasing a mole down a foot wide mole hole heh.

My Welsummer will kill just about anything! Last spring we had a surplus of frogs, a few little frogs that all the ladies would eat, and some large ones that my Welsummer would grab and pound into the ground over and over to rip chunks off of. After we moved onto our new piece of property she discovered the field mice and now they are her new victims :lau this is a pic of her with a frog, she wouldn't let me get very close


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Wow, now that is a big frog !! I see mine with lizards and stuff that can kind of go down the throat with a little help, but THAT THING?? it's going to take a ton of tearing apart. Amazing.

She's a little freak, lol! Me and DH just sat there watching her beat it and eat it :lau It really was amazing
Oh I seen two go at a larger mouse once. Originally there were 4 at it but the other 2 got tired of the chase, so there was only Big Red (who will never E V E R give up when it comes to a snack!!) and Midnight, tearing this thing to pieces. I just walked away, I didn't need to watch that, I already knew the outcome. Just please poop it out BEFORE you roost for the night, I don't want to have to be the one who has to clean THAT up !


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