Move to the coop?


Sep 11, 2023
Central Oregon
My flock of 5 are now 7 weeks old and have spent plenty of time in their run and been exposed to overnight temps in the 40s. This weeks weather calls for 33°-40° lows at night. Will they be ok to move outside full time in an uninsulated shed coop? Should I keep herding them to their home base of the garage on cold nights? Should I provide supplemental heat in the coop if I move them out?
Really want these babies to move outside full time and acclimate themselves but don’t want them to freeze.
(Photo of sunbathing During our 60° afternoons)


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As long as their coop is well sheltered, no drafts that blow over them where they sleep or anything, then based on how feathered they look in those pictures and the temps they've been exposed to already, they should do just fine at those overnight temps. If it makes you more comfortable to do so and you can do so safely, then you could put supplemental heat in their coop with them. But I don't think they'll need it at all, personally. They're a lot more resilient to cold than many think they are!
laughThat’s a nice coop for them girls, looks like it could hold a few more without too much trouble.
Beware the chicken math…..
Thank you so much! You should’ve seen this “kids shed” before… absolutely thrashed! And Oh boy I am already so susceptible to the chicken math 🤦‍♀️ I just don’t know how it will be received by my man next year when I preorder 5 more chicks 😂
In thinking ahead…. Do y’all have suggested breeds? I’m thinking I want a barnevelder or two but not certain on who else I might add to the flock
Barnevelders are beautiful! I'm partial to Silver Gray Dorkings, but they can be a bit tricky to find. 😊 What kinds of things are you looking for in your flock? Productive egg layers, pretty birds, colorful eggs, etc.?

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