Moving them early


Aug 5, 2023
Generally I like to keep the chicks inside, when really young (helps get them used to my wild children). While that is still a non-issue I would like to move this batch outside sooner, so I can bring in a new batch. Is 1-2 weeks (post birth) too soon to move them inside the coop (allowing time for the flock to adjust to the new members)? This is of course, in their own cage and it will still be heated/powered with one of those heaters that they can hide under (Forget the name/type). Night time temps, would be 50s and they would be outside of the wind... Humidity/Moisture is a possible concern though as it may rain and it does have a small leak in the roof (dirt floor, skirted hardware cloth on the outside)... Could keep them off the ground... Predators are a non-concern. Coop is way larger than most peoples coops...10'x10'x10'

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