
barb s

10 Years
May 28, 2013
Columbia City area
We are going to be moving soon. The property we bought has been empty for at least 5 months. At some point in time who ever lived there had chickens. The chicken coop is still there. The chickens must of been free range because there is no evidence of a run any where. I know that if I am going to use the coop it needs to be cleaned and disinfected really good and some repairs will need to be made. Like I said the house has been empty for awhile so the area where the coop is located is all grown up, it also looks like it is fenced off for keeping other animals such as horses or cows. My question is that after getting the grass all cut down and the pastures or whatever cleaned up is there anything else I need to do before bringing my chickens to their new home. Any input is greatly appreciated.

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