MPC orders shipping April 12th. CUTE PICS!!


12 Years
Feb 1, 2010
Eldersburg, MD
I know there are a bunch of us waiting for our MPC chicks. Post what you ordered, what state you're in and when you received your chicks.

Oh, and post PICS!!!

I ordered 2 of each: Speckled Sussex, EE's, Partridge Rocks, Salmon Faverolles.
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still waiting..... with the post office on speed dial !
Waiting for 2 EE, BO, australorp, SS, barred rock, delaware and columbian wyandotte

Waiting is hard! I feel like a little kid and want to call the post office every 5 mintues : "are they there yet ?"
I called at 6:30 this morning and in my area they usually arrive on the 9am express truck. Needless to say, it's very hard to wait!
The employees at the PO have been very nice and helpful.

cabot, what state are you in?
mine come the first week of june. i ordered 6, one of each of australorp, delaware, leghorn, rhode island red, speckled sussex, and a silver laced wyandotte. i'm only allowed 4, but sneaking in all 6 if all are female.
just started building my coop, back wall at least. and i'm in wisconsin near greenbay. my post office said 90% of live stock come in on th 3:30 am truck and said they do call for immediate pick up so nothing dies. can't wait.
They all (8 chicks) arrived safely. You could hear the peeping in the PO! Once they've settled in, I'll post pictures. They are THE CUTEST things EVER!
Outa luck for today....the only truck came to the PO and no chicks from MPC...

When I didn't get the call I stopped in at the PO on my way to work and poked my head in the back door (very small post office). Grumpy young womans said "I told you I'd CALL you when they get here"... she doen't understand....

I feel so sad, I am picturing them in a big warehouse in San Francisco or Sacramento all cold and noisy.

But guareneed t be deliverd by tomorrow! It's going to be a long day.

Happy for all you who get them today, post pictures asap to help hold me over!

Oh yeah, I'm getting (all pullets): Black Jersey Giant, Blue Cochin, Lite Brahma, Easter Egger, Golden Polish, Sussex.
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my PO has 2 trucks that come at 6:30am and another at 7:30am. when i didn't get a call this morning, i called the PO to ask how many trucks come in per day and the times.....that's when i learned they only have 2 trucks. the guy was really nice though and said he'd call when they come in and that they will most likely be on the 6:30 truck. i ordered 5 EE, 1 SCM, 1 BO, and 1 WC. i just keep thinking of them "out there" in the postal service "somewhere". poor girls.
They're here! everyone looks great, all active, eating and drinking ! I wasn't fully prepared for the "in person" cuteness factor!

here are the australorp and barred rock

these are the delaware, BO and columbian wyandotte

I have no idea who this is

i have trouble telling the EE, welsummer and SS


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