Mt Hope auction-March 31-Apr 2. what peas are you looking for?


10 Years
May 12, 2009
Burton, OH
Not sure if this belongs in the the swap, etc thread, if so, mods please move.

The Mt. Hope spring auction will be March 31-April 2, 2011. We can hardly wait here, the trip will be a bit of a late anniversary present to each other--our 10th is on March 10. Since with the farm and kiddos we aren't really able to get away we thought the Mt Hope auction would make a nice little getaway for us. Plan on going down Wednesday night and staying through Saturday.

Looking forward to seeing all the peafowl for sale, this will be the first spring auction we've been to there although we have been to all the others throughout the year. Just thought it might be nice to start a thread for all the pea breeders to list out what they are bringing so maybe we can get a little bit of an idea of what we might be seeing. Also, if there are enough of us, maybe we can plan a get together one evening. anyone else going? what are you looking to pick up and/or what are you bringing?

We are still finalizing what we'll be bringing (hopefully this weekend) but will post once we are sure.
I'm looking for little wire cages that you always see the silkies for sale in there. Anyone have any.......

I need a few to take my silkies in for the shows.
Yes it is in Mt. Hope, Oh.

This is the exotic sale. we usually go to these just to walk around and let the kids see all the differant kinds of animals. It is quite fun. It's like a cheap zoo but animals you won't see in a zoo so up close and personal.

So it isn't just limited to birds? Oh my gosh why does it have to be so far away!

Wow they must have all sorts of stuff...Have you ever seen impeyan monals there? It would be cool if someone could list of some of the interesting things they have seen there.

Animal auctions must be very fun and interesting.
nope, not just birds. ALL kinds of crazy critters. Yep, impeyan's are there, temminick's and others too, saw a peacock pheasant there last fall. pretty cool stuff. they have a trailer with pot bellied pigs, skunks, raccoons, snakes, primates, lemurs, kangaroo's, walabee's, camels, saw a baby lion once...gosh I can't even recall everything! kinda nutty, we do a quick look at that stuff usually but try to stay focused on the birdies!
there are enough of them to keep me

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