Muchkins Cats...Wanted


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Franklin, NC
I am interested in a Munchkins Cat or Kitten . I would like to correspond with someone that has one to tell me the pros and cons. Does anyone BYC have one or know someone that does? Many Thanks
no..but i have always wanted one!....if i didnt have 6 cats already...
my sister has munchin cats I am unsure of what she has right now but as far as cats go the itties as I call them at least her's seem more laid back . they also can not jump onto cabients or things. She gave my other sister (cat loather ) a munchin and other sister fell in love but he got into some of her kids toys and ate something and passed away. I will try to have her some here and tell you more about the breed.

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