Mucus and bugs


9 Years
Jul 23, 2014
Quincy, IL
I adopted 4 silkies today ( two female and two male). The pairs came from two different homes and are in quarantine in two separate areas of my home and completely seperate from my flock.

The first pair has a couple of very small, very fast light colored bugs on them. Not many that I could find. I did not see them when I bought them.

The second pair are much worse. I almost didn't get them but my heart broke. They both have mucus coming out of their noses- not a lot but still noticeable. They have large, slow tan/white bugs on them and a lot of white crusty stuff at the base of their feathers. They smelled horrible and both got baths and blowed dry when I got them home. I have given them vitamin/electrolyte water so far.

HELP! Where do I start??? I really appreciate the help as I am feeling a bit lost.
I adopted 4 silkies today ( two female and two male). The pairs came from two different homes and are in quarantine in two separate areas of my home and completely seperate from my flock.

The first pair has a couple of very small, very fast light colored bugs on them. Not many that I could find. I did not see them when I bought them.

The second pair are much worse. I almost didn't get them but my heart broke. They both have mucus coming out of their noses- not a lot but still noticeable. They have large, slow tan/white bugs on them and a lot of white crusty stuff at the base of their feathers. They smelled horrible and both got baths and blowed dry when I got them home. I have given them vitamin/electrolyte water so far.

HELP! Where do I start??? I really appreciate the help as I am feeling a bit lost.
Can you post photos of them?

You are doing the right thing by quarantining them.

The first pair sound like they have poultry lice, you can treat them with some poultry dust. (Lice/mite info below).

The second pair is more worrisome. It sounds like they have mites/lice as well, but the mucous could definitely be a respiratory illness.
Do they still have a horrible smell after bathing them? If so it could be Infectious Coryza or it could be Mycoplasma G. (MG). Regardless of which one most all respiratory illnesses are contagious and the birds even when symptom free, birds are considered carriers for life and the virus can be spread to other birds.

So you may need to make a hard decision whether it's worth the risk of keeping and treating them and possibly infecting any birds they come in contact with (the virus is would be in their dust, dander, mucous, etc., so it's easily spread).

Keep both pairs separated and quarantined away from one another and practice good biosecurity. You may want to change clothes when you handle/take care of each set, as well as when you take care of any other birds you may have. Wash hands, etc., too. (Treatment is post#4)

Mite Lice Info:

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