mud around kiddy pool HELP

Oh, they love to make it dirty..... I use a variety of things. Lids from the Rubermaid containers, I cut doors out of and turn upside down for nest boxes. I had some thrift store used rubber mats, left over plastic floor from a shed floor. ummm, 4-6 inches of River rock. .....concrete stepping stones...... Mind you , they then try to carry it in still.... And some of that 'dirt' is poo anyway. Depending on the size of your pool and how many birds use it and if it is muddy in the area.... you will need to dump it every 2-5 days. I have a lot of birds coming and going, many are ducks who love to carry their food and drop it in too, and I usually need to to it every other day for smaller bins, and Runner duck water.And for the larger kiddie pools at least once a week.
Also depends on what you mean by "Clean". I always have clean drinking water in buckets, but they prefer the gunkwater they swim it often......sheeesh....
Concrete ......has a reason.....
Thanks for the suggestion. Its a big size kitty pool and I use a skimmer every morning. I drain the pool every 2nd or 3rd day, there a lot of sand at the bottom. I had seen plastic snap together tiles,but I forget where. I thought it was on the BYC. I live on a sand barge called Florida, hence the sand. If anyone knows where to buy these snap together rubber tiles, please pm me. Oh, and yes, I have 2 buckets with fresh water. Thanks again.
72elizabeth try lowes I saw them there over the week end and was thinking the same thing. my ducks can dirty a pool in couple of geese are a lot cleaner. let me know if you try it and how it works out.

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