Multiple crop problems


Oct 2, 2020
Hello again.

I’ve been posting about my issues recently here for a bit, first with my bantams crop, and then with my bigger hens strange behavior. Both of them don’t empty their crops overnight now, and I’m starting to think it must be something they’re eating. Before all this happened, my hens free ranged in the yard for 4 to sometimes 6 hours a day. They eat lots of grass, obviously. But recently our yard has become extremely dry, and the grass is mostly dead. Could eating such dry, dead grass have caused multiple impactions? Besides the grass, their run is mainly dirt and sand, and their bedding is hay. I’m just a little frustrated and at a loss as to why this is happening to multiple chickens.

Our chickens free-range. Mostly all they get is dead grass as we just went through winter here.

I'd get some Hydro-Hen or some other powdered probiotic for their water and give that to them as their only source of water every other day for a couple of weeks and see if things don't improve.

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