Multiplying broody hens becoming a problem


9 Years
Aug 18, 2014
Needville Texas
My Coop
My Coop
A little background info:
I have a large flock of about 150 chickens, that free-ranges all day long. I live in South Texas where the heat is a concern, and I closely monitor the hens for heat stress. They have about 4 industrial sized fans going 24/7 in the coop, and I do what I can to keep them as comfortable as possible.
Right now I have about 15 broodies, and I need to break them all. (In April we had another 7 or so broodies hatch chicks, and I mail ordered about 20 chicks to fill in any broodies that were low on hatch rates) I don’t want anymore chicks right now!!
I have a very large wire rabbit hut that I usually use to break broodies in. It is situated on the outside of the coop, because it is so large and bulky) I have fit a maximum of 8 broodies in it at one time(this is a little crowded because I have 4 divided spaces, and will have to pair them up). It is covered, so provides shade, however with this scorching heat, I feel it may be a mistake to put them in there.
I am feeling a little overwhelmed right now, I am not sure how to successfully break them all!
These girls are multiplying at an alarming rate. 2 days about I only had 6 broody hens!!!
Does anyone have suggestions on breaking hens on a large scale that has worked?
I have tried many different ways, however the ole wire cage is the only one that has been successful for me so far.

I am debating ordering more wire from amazon, and making smaller cages that can be hung from inside the coop..
Any thoughts on this?
Gonna be hard to break that many broodies in that kind of heat.
More breaker cages, wet their undercarriages in cool(not COLD) water then stick them in the crates.
Do you give electrolytes to help with the heat stress?
Yes, I started doing that. I have multiple auto waterers that run directly from the hoses, so I can’t add it to those.
I have about 6 of the large (I think 7 gallon) waterers I add the electrolytes to.
Well luckily I caught a break as far as the heat goes!
We are supposed to have rain for the next week, so I put half of the girls in the broody breaker.
I am going to swap them out after a few days for the rest of them.
Then I will most likely have a 3rd shift of hens that go broody.
I found 2 additional girls today that are broody!
Wow! That's a lot of chickens and a lot of broody girls! This is probably a silly question but do they all have names? May I ask if they're pets or livestock? I only ask because as recently as this evening, I went through about 5 names and then a brief moment in thought before getting the correct name for the bird I was talking to 🤣 Once it gets to be so many, the names are slower to come to mind. I don't have anywhere near that many, but I know that it'd be so easy to get that many. Chickens and ducks are so flipping addictive! It's crazy.

I wish you the best in getting those girls to stop being broody, before more catch the broody.

Too bad it's not like it was whenever we were kids and could do the "circle circle dot dot, now you've got your broody shot" 😂

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