Mum had 2 week old chicks and wants to join the flock


Aug 3, 2019
I have a pekin with chicks that are 2 weeks old and in separated part of the run with her she keeps coming to the decider walking along it asking to come out.she did last year with her one chick but shes hatched 6 this time and was hoping to keep them separate for 6/8 weeks.
Hope she will settle back down with them tomorrow
Any specific reason she can't rejoin the flock (does she stop wanting protect her babies? Some super aggressive adults?) If she can introduce her chicks to the others early on that could work out really well, a much more natural integration than waiting for her to possibly detach from her brood and then trying to integrate the chicks.
I've just removed devider down and the others arnt going near the mum or chicks.but how do I get the chicks to only eat there crumbs? I've brought growers to pull everyone on at 6 weeks
I don't have broodies raise babies (none of my hens went broody last year) but I brooded my last batch of chicks outdoors in the run alongside the hens. They had run access by 3 weeks old and were roosting in the coop with the adults by the time they were 6 weeks old. And yes I feed the hens the same food as the chicks until the chicks begin laying - my hens quite enjoy the chick starter, and I normally feed them some grower as well.
I keep my broodies separated from the flock with a wire wall to incubate and hatch,
then let them in with the flock a week or so after hatch.
Best to get the broody and chicks into the flock as soon as possible, IMO.
Broody has more trouble than chicks reestablishing a place in the pecking order.
Hi, my mums have always returned to the flock with baby after a week or so as I have always been anxious about leaving it too late and then the flock not accepting them... either way I’ve never had an issue but I would supervise for an amount of time to make sure they aren’t aggressive towards each other. If you feed everyone starter crumble is it medicated? If so you won’t be able to eat the eggs during that time and I cannot recall the amount of time after they stop you have to allow so read up on it. I wouldn’t recommend it but I don’t feed my chicks crumble they eat the same seed mix as the rest of my flock so haven’t had to worry about the eggs
If you feed everyone starter crumble is it medicated? If so you won’t be able to eat the eggs during that time and I cannot recall the amount of time after they stop you have to allow so read up on it. I wouldn’t recommend it but I don’t feed my chicks crumble they eat the same seed mix as the rest of my flock so haven’t had to worry about the eggs

Medicated starter in the US generally has amprolium added. There's no egg withdrawal time according to the FDA. But good point, if using medicated starter feed look into what was added and check if there's a recommended egg withdrawal period for it.

I don't feed medicated starter so not an issue for my flock when adding chicks.

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