~*~Murder: Roleplay Idea~*~


7 Years
Aug 28, 2012
Planet No
The year is 2023. The year of the era of depression. Prices having become the equivalent of a hand and a leg to get food, many people were homeless. And the pets they once owned and loved have been abandoned, or worse.. become a source of food. The streets teaming with feral dogs and cats, law enforcement knows something must be done.

A line of genetically pure canines, a force to be reckoned with, was brought into the picture. Genetically engineered to be larger than even the Canadian Grey wolf, and strong enough to take down a full grown man, these dogs were meant to tame the streets of the wild cities, overpopulated with the rebellious homeless.

To ensure the efficiency of this new force, each dog underwent a tedious surgery to insert a microchip into the base of their brain, which would control their every move with its rigid programming. The dogs had become senseless to pain, emotions, and anything else that should hinder their almost supernatural hunting and killing instincts.

The streets no longer a safe place, the feral dogs know they will be just as much a vermin as the people who choose to rebel.

Zar, a pitbull with a strong will and a golden heart, rose to the challenge of assembling the feral dogs into a pack. He knew they could not survive unless they joined together to work as one, to work as a powerful army of their own.

At his side, his devoted friend, Sarlu, a Main Coon cat, rallied with the other ferals, to create a powerful Glaring of cats. (FYI, the name for a group of cats is "Glaring", so yeah.)

But with the rise of these two divisions of animals came the downfall of some members as a slew of gruesome murders begin to take place, and with unknown causes. The killer anonymous, the feral teams falling to their deaths at his or her fangs, will the Glaring and the Pack survive? Or will they perish like the freedom they once knew?

Yeahhhh, this was just a random little idea.
I don't know what you guys would think, so have at commenting!!
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