Muscovy drake can't walk

Henny Penney

14 Years
May 2, 2008
wet side of WA, Olympic Peninsula
Our Muscovy drake can't use his legs, he moves by waddling back and forth on his feet, dragging himself on the ground. It is sad and pathetic to watch him try to move, he mostly just sits. In all other regards he seems healthy, though obviously distressed. He has gotten very heavy and it appears his rather small legs simply can't lift his body, but how did he get so heavy? Should we put him on a 'diet'? Is there a nutritional deficiency that has affected the strength of his legs? Have had several drakes over the years and never seen this before, and he is neither young nor old, just sort of middle-age for a Muscovy so surprised this has developed. We've separated him from the two very active ducks he lives with to see if more rest and managing is food might help. Any suggestions appreciated.
Have you checked the bottoms of his feet? Muscovies are a heavier breed, especially the boys, so they are more prone to bumble foot. Look for sores, scabs, pus, swollen lumps, anything that might indicate that his feet hurt and would prevent him from walking. Also check his "knees", the backwards joint, especially the backside since they often rest and that part.

What do you feed him? It is possible that he might need a diet, so check on the CP% (crude protein percentage) on your feed and make sure that it is appropriate for his age and breed. Treats?

In the end, it could just be bad breeding too, and he might have weak legs. Need more info to help.
checked his feet last night (he does not like to be caught, and he is so heavy, so really stressful for him) and they seem to look fine. Holding him he kicked with both legs, I thought one leg seemed weaker but I husband thought the other one was. His legs looked good - smooth, etc. He does have short legs for his body size, but up to now not a problem.

He has a very good appetite. They get an all purpose poultry feed and they have free range most days, though he hasn't been moving much lately. Yesterday gave them lots of greens (dandelions, etc.) as I was gone and they were in, I assume he ate some, but he lives with two very active and younger ducks who may have eaten it all. I've had Muscovies for over 20 years and not seen this though living and feeding conditions pretty much the same for past generations. I will go check protien content, should he have more or less for middle age? We got him from someone so not sure of his age, but seems middle age.

thanks for replies.

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