
Nov 25, 2015
Parrish, Florida
We have 3 Muscovy (1 drake and 2 ducks) we just acquired last weekend. They are about 5 months old. We built a hoop coop for them and live in Florida. Should we just build a roost or should I build a house for them as well? The hoop coop has a wire floor to keep predators out as we have coyote and fox and bobcat as well as hawks. We’d like to leave them loose in the entire enclosure over night, but I was unsure if a house inside would be needed as well? I have clipped one of each of their wings so they don’t fly off. How high should the roost be? Do they need a ramp? First time duck mama as we’ve only had chickens before. Any advice is greatly appreciated. If just a roost, I made a nesting box out of a giant Tupperware container (grey one in photo but that’s not the location it will stay in)
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Mine have a roost about 3’ up from the floor my females with clipped wing can get on it. I’d cover the wire foot with some type of bedding so their feet aren’t right on the wire and if your hoop house is covered in hardware cloth and part of roof is covered that would’ve fine for their living space or build them a house but if the hoop house is covered in chicken wire that isn’t going to be safe for them it will keep them inbutnoyt preadors
Mine have a roost about 3’ up from the floor my females with clipped wing can get on it. I’d cover the wire foot with some type of bedding so their feet aren’t right on the wire and if your hoop house is covered in hardware cloth and part of roof is covered that would’ve fine for their living space or build them a house but if the hoop house is covered in chicken wire that isn’t going to be safe for them it will keep them in but not predators out.
My muscovy aren't tearing up the grass. I am thinking of letting my chickens over to the their side of the run so that they can get the grass under control. ;)
I can't see the attachment in your last post.
It looks like with the tarp as it is set up, it is providing a shelter. That is all they need a shelter to get under for wind and even rain especially in FL. Believe it or not when it starts raining, mine like to go under shelter if it is raining hard enough.
I am not sure about the wire flooring though, so will let others comment on that.
Your set up looks nice! I am sure the muscovies appreciate it!
Good luck!

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