"Mutt" chickens ....

They are very common. Frizzling is a gene a bird carries, lots of different breeds have the frizzle option. They are alot of fun but they can't fly or get up on the roost at night unless you give them a lift or build some sort of a ramp for them to get up there. Hatcheries sell frizzled cochins but there is never a guarentee that they will turn out frizzled. And you should never breed a frizzle to a frizzle or you get a brittle feathered bird.
I love mutt chickens :D My 2 roos are 1 silver phoenix and the other is a black cochin bantam and I have them each set up in different coops and have them set up with the ones that I think would make the best muttly wonders with them :D
I love mutt chickens!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the best chickens I have ever had (and still do) was a maran/easter egger cross
Finally, I found a home. I have 6 mutts and was feeling bad seeing other threads of "pure breeds'.
I have 4 chicks (2 weeks old) that are a cross of Rhode Island Red & Black Copper Maran. The other 2 are a week older and an unknown heritage.

Great thread, keep shooting the pictures of the great mixtures.
Wow, beautiful chickens! Would love to buy mutt eggs someday. The wait to see what they look like would be exciting. Don't think with what I have they would turn out as beautiful as any of yours.

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