Mutt chickie models page 2

hahaha ,,, ya,, i seem to make people need therapy heh
My sweet little mutt chickie graciously agreed to model the Holiday finery my little Turken will be wearing for Holiday pics. I went ahead and crocheted a little matching handbag....what ensemble is complete without a matching handbag, after all.
I just had to share the pics. she wouldn't wear it all at once. This was NOT easy!!! And, I MUST share the text my husband sent me when I sent him the pics on his phone!!!! LOL
He said "The poor dear. Subjecting that precious little creature to such abuse. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. And people wonder why some pets turn on their owners." LOL I don't think he appreciates it quite as much as I do!!!! LOL


Ya know, they are probably right!!!! LOL Honestly, I must admit, if it wasn't for the desire to have the single, coolest, Holiday cards on the planet, I SWEAR I wouldn't be dressing up chickens.
LOL.....yeah, Mark!! Her silkies need pink clothes to match their pink camo dog carrier!!!
And you KNOW she is going to want some for them!!! LOL

I know, Shellie, I start planning just what to do for cards months in advance.
The little Turkens haven't been hatching for me though, pushing this way later in the year than I would have liked!!! I have even forced my children to draw pics for our cards in years past.
Gotta love it!!! LOL

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