My $12 Oops Chick


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 16, 2018
FoCo, Georgia
My Coop
My Coop
I bought this little lady under the assumption she was a Cream Legbar hence the $12... When I got her home I noticed for one she had slightly feathered legs and she was a lot larger than the rest. She also has muffs and a beard, so then I wondered if she was an Easter egger, thinking she had been thrown in with the CLB by accident since they come in so many colors, shapes and sizes. Well from what I understand the Ameracaunas have the beard and muffs but have green legs, which rules that out, then I went on to the EE which I understand don't have a beard or muffs which rules that out. I'm just at a loss now. She's most likely a mix but of what I have no clue since no definition fits her perfectly. So I'm here to get any ideas you folks have about what this little girl could be. She's about 3 weeks old.
Did you get it through a feed store? Some folks will breed EE's hens with maran rooster and call them olive eggers....that would explain the slight leg feathering and it not being the normal EE leg color. I have a few olive eggers and the eggs are a lot darker olive than the typical EE...EE's do not always have beards and or muffs
EEs have beards and muffs most of the time but can sometimes not have them. They aren't a breed so they don't have a standard but many do have a "typical look."

I agree that it's probably either an EE or OE.
Did you get it through a feed store? Some folks will breed EE's hens with maran rooster and call them olive eggers....that would explain the slight leg feathering and it not being the normal EE leg color. I have a few olive eggers and the eggs are a lot darker olive than the typical EE...EE's do not always have beards and or muffs
Yes, I got her from my local small chain feed store. Not sure who they order from. That would be neat if she was an OE. Now I guess the biggest unknown is whether she stays a she. Haha. Oh geez. Well thanks everyone for figuring it out! I was at a loss.
I get the impression that she might be an EE. Can you get a better picture of her comb and wattles? if the comb is turning red it's likely a male but I don't see any red from this angle.

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